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8 KB無標題 名稱: 無名氏 [16/10/18(二)00:00 ID:QKbiKGAI (Host: 220-142-*.dynamic.hinet.net)] No.10455 11推 
I-153 (all modifications) - Specified calculation for airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, Inertia calculations updated and damped in all axes (less “wobble” with full controls). Edited inertia calculations. Improved handling in all flight modes,the system of separate fuel filling and consumption of fuel from tanks has been switched on (controllability improved) .
•Ki-61 (Ko, otsu, hei) - operating canopy has been added.
•A7He1 - Specified calculation for airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces (less “wobble” with full controls), Inertia calculations updated and damped in all axes. Edited inertia calculations. Improved handling in all flight modes,the system of separate fuel filling and consumption of fuel from tanks has been switched on. A header tank for inverted flight has been added.
•J2M (all modifications) - Specified calculation for airflow on the horizontal tail surfaces, Inertia calculations updated and damped in all axes (less “wobble” with full controls). Edited inertia calculations. Improved handling in all flight modes,the system of separate fuel filling and consumption of fuel from tanks has been switched on. The cooling system performance has been corrected (it takes more time to overheat).
•MiG-3 (all modifications) - Data sheet characteristics have been corrected. Separate fuel tanks have been added, thermodynamics have been implemented according to the performance of the original radiators of the aircraft.(it takes more time to overheat).
•Fw 190A (all modifications) - Completely new FM that includes all recent updates such as fuel tanks consumption priority, inertia calculations, centre of gravity changes. Data sheet updated. (better controllability at high speeds, nose-heaviness reduced).
•Fw 190D, Та 152 (all modifications) - Flaps performance has been corrected (take-off and landing became easier), centre of gravity has been corrected. The moment when the M reaches critical moment has been recalculated.
•P-51D - dorsal strake influence on aircraft performance has been corrected. (better steadiness for all D-series except D-5 model)
無名氏: 昨天才和朋友談到全真190水平尾翼穩定性太高會導致瞄準飄上飄下,希望這次有改善 (BmqCAK2s 16/10/18 01:27)
無名氏: 看貼吧回饋據說190A砍了 操控性和D型一樣 (MlhbvTZw 16/10/18 01:33)
無名氏: 同時6 700速度最多拉6 7G (MlhbvTZw 16/10/18 01:33)
無名氏: 190A的操控性跟D型一樣不是該說是漲了嗎?怎麼說是砍了? (70yIm1vg 16/10/18 02:10)
無名氏: 這個版本190全系的高G轉彎全完了,過去那種500km/h以上可以瞬間猛拉急回頭的景象已成浮雲... (sbKyjGyM 16/10/18 15:04)
無名氏: 最近美vs德開始狂勝 一部份是因為D-30得到了應有的加強 一部份是因為德國兩大台柱都被削了 (70yIm1vg 16/10/18 15:28)
無名氏: 不過德國過去滿長一段時間都享有或多或少的超史實性能 只是幅度沒有大到日俄兩國那麼噁心而已 (70yIm1vg 16/10/18 15:29)
無名氏: 現在被砍到史實低標或對特性和數據從嚴處理 其實也只是在還債 (70yIm1vg 16/10/18 15:30)
無名氏: 好死不死遇到D-30崛起所以才顯得處境悲慘 如果D-30維持上一版的程度那德國勝率應該不會掉太多 (70yIm1vg 16/10/18 15:32)
無名氏: 因為德系智商高的高等玩家還是滿多的... 性能沒有輸太大而駕駛又有把持住原則的話 德機仍然可以一戰 (70yIm1vg 16/10/18 15:34)
無名氏: 這貓貓蟲看起來好欠打 (.QAt7K76 16/10/18 23:37)
轉自對岸 名稱: 無名氏 [16/10/22(六)00:41 ID:bTBO.iss (Host: *.amazonaws.com)] No.10481 9推  

· Fw 190A(all modifications) - Completely new FM that includes all recent updates suchas fuel tanks consumption priority, inertia calculations, centre of gravitychanges. Data sheet updated. (better controllability at high speeds,nose-heaviness reduced).
· Fw 190D, Та 152 (allmodifications) - Flaps performance has been corrected (take-off and landingbecame easier), centre of gravity has been corrected. The moment when the Mreaches critical moment has been recalculated.
看起來是非常的誘人 (。◕∀◕。)
尤其是【new FM新氣動】【inertia calculation慣性計算】【bettercontrollability at high speeds, nose-heaviness reduced更好的高速操控,和指向性】這幾個,簡直讓人信以為真,覺得朵拉是不是要觸底反擊了



還把我最愛的大A (※Fw190A) 加強成朵拉了



說實話,我不認為這次的大A新氣動是一種削弱,這是貨真價實的還原,對於我來說,現在的190A更符合我在IL-2 1946中熟悉的那個,也更能體現190A的真正的特點。


現在的190A,加強了存速,高速滾轉率,相當於是加強了他作為一個B&Z戰鬥機的能力。雖然升降舵不再靈敏,窗口受到限制,更考驗玩家通過滾轉提前預判對方戰鬥機走線的能力,但也不能說是一刀砍死。而低速機動砍掉則是還原了歷史,190在低速確實是【如履薄冰】(屠夫之鳥原話),在IL-2 1946中的表現也確實如此,不僅動彈不得,還極易反舵或失速。

與1.59不同,這次是提升德軍飛行員的智商的好時機,這裡不歡迎草履蟲 (´ー`)
無名氏: 這樣說來史實德軍高戰果190王牌飛行智商都挺高的? (JoWFgJHs 16/10/22 18:50)
無名氏: 德國那群怪物集團一大堆都是理論和實務點超滿 又不怕沒敵機給他們練手感賺擊墜 智商當然高啦 (kNteJOZc 16/10/22 20:45)
無名氏: 萌軍最大的敵人是萌軍,爬也不爬的 (JUiqDypQ 16/10/23 03:52)
無名氏: (ノ゚∀゚)ノ被P63衝下來咬住六點努力掙扎球生存,結果敵方又一台噴火增援 (viugXaH. 16/10/23 14:17)
無名氏: (ノ゚∀゚)ノ想說沒救了拉垂直做死...沒想到反而是噴火打下P63然後撞到他屍體死去...我就活下來了 (viugXaH. 16/10/23 14:18)
無名氏: (つд⊂)借串一問,190A8到底怎麼飛...飛起來跟A1~A5/U2差好多... (AHG259uI 16/10/23 16:17)
無名氏: A8我是完全棄飛,A型個人只用到A5然後就用D9來接 (oq.7e0.E 16/10/24 15:54)
無名氏: A-8當時要是順利過渡到A-9性能就不會那麼吃鱉了 (zmo8o8OQ 16/10/29 06:20)
無名氏: 不過A-9性能還是沒有D-9好 以當時德國的戰局來說優先發展和部屬朵拉系列也是理所當然的就是了 (zmo8o8OQ 16/10/29 06:21)
