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121 KB【Developer Q&A】2016/03/18 名稱: 無名氏 [16/03/27(日)12:20 ID:4rzCrVZE (Host: *.google.com)] No.36428 11推 

– no nerfs of reverse speeds have happened, despite player claims;

– the bug where one could roll down a hill in reverse with no speed limits is fixed with new physics;

– The problem where a tank with full HP gets killed when driving down a mountain is known

– siren still sounding after enemies in cap have been destroyed – bug, will be fixed;

– Storm does not deny that he hasn't been playing WoT much lately;

– new sounds are just the beginning – they will be improved and new ones added, it was important however to launch the new engine and transfer the sounds to it;

– the American T34 was buffed already when transferred to HD;

– the IS-6's ammo rack did not change at all after transition into HD, the only thing that changed was a transmission separate from the engine module;

– the Soviet Object 430 will come in HD in one of the next patches;

– Internal gravity value is increase by 10-15 percent so the tanks don't turn on their roof too often and so the feeling of “lightness” is reduced. This is also due to the fact that in real life a lot of energy is consumed by the deformation (tank parts deformed by the impact) and by the surface into which they crash and which they deform as well

– regarding the IS-6:

– no uncompensated nerfs which caused the vehicle performance to drop were applied;

– Storm: “the players whine for 5,5 years already that their premium tank was nerfed, about every single one. we will not consider such claims without confirming them by looking at statistics, which do not show any performance drops. quite contrary, the amount of tanked damage after the patch increased by 8-9%. the superpershing had uncompensated nerfs applied to it, so we offered a refund, but the IS-6 is a completely different story”; Storm:“

IS-6 mean damage done:

– The decision not to allow players to choose between old and new sounds is final

– The ability to block one track (police turn) for T95 and Batchat 155 58 will not be removed. It's a compromise between cancelling the feature completely and allowing it completely (like other classes have it). The devs wanted to disable it altogether for TDs and arty but this is what they got.

– The 235mm IS-6 frontal armor parts doesn't take normalization and other shooting conditions into account. There is no need to use them to determine whether the tank will or will not be penetrated, these were only given for comparison with the previous versions which took the previously mentioned factors into account

源自:http://thearmoredpatrol.com/2016/03/18/qa-18th-march-2016/ 18/03/2016
無名氏: (゚3゚)<有興趣的可以去翻一下舊版的-6車體裝甲模組,舊版的模塊(非視覺外觀) (IIi4kO5s 16/03/27 12:32)
無名氏: (゚3゚)<正面首上裝甲是有兩個斜度的,HD化之後變成一個 (IIi4kO5s 16/03/27 12:33)
無名氏: Σ(゚д゚)<T95要怎麼飄移阿 (ecpeOUfI 16/03/27 13:19)
無名氏: (゚∀。)<戰圈警報的BUG果然不是太累造成的錯覺 (UnLqh.0I 16/03/27 14:52)
無名氏: (゚3゚)所以我現在可以賣掉超潘換金幣回來嗎? (B16YCNPw 16/03/27 19:31)
無名氏: HD化後的IS-6變超硬,之前碰到T8HT多就要閃人了,現在直接站到他們面前擺角度硬幹沒問題 (jyym3zUc 16/03/27 21:56)
無名氏: 不過同樣碰到IS-6正面只能削頭皮,不過頭皮也變很好削,用-6那管大歪砲50M內成功率也超高的 (jyym3zUc 16/03/27 22:01)
無名氏: 另外T34首上變硬了....就算沒擺角度-6也打不穿 (jyym3zUc 16/03/27 22:03)
無名氏: ゚∀゚)σ<樓上還真愛說笑,T (dgZ2O24. 16/03/28 11:09)
無名氏: ゚∀゚)σ<T34跟T29同樣底盤,所以說應該連T29的首上也打不穿 (dgZ2O24. 16/03/28 11:10)
無名氏: 乘員語音要怎麼調大聲阿 現在都聽不清楚 (ql1FZryc 16/03/30 11:52)
【Developer Q&A】2016/03/21 名稱: 無名氏 [16/03/27(日)15:05 ID:6sQ/U0cc (Host: *.google.com)] No.36430 4推  
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just finished translating an excert from Wargaming.FM, they had one of the sound designers, Eugen Trubin and a video producer, Konstantin Soldatov from WG answering some questions:
剛剛翻譯完Wargaming.FM上的一個摘要,音效設計師, Eugen Trubin和WG的視頻作者Konstantin Soldatov回答了一些問題:

About the new 2.0 Audio engine in WoT:

-The Engine, firing and internal sounds were all recorded from real vehicles.

-The team focused on having comfortable sounds that wouldn't tire the players on the long run/big sessions.

-The Engine sounds vary depending on whether the vehicle runs on petrol or diesel.

-The return of old sounds is technically impossible.

RG: Like Storm said, not only the old sounds are from a different engine but keeping both versions active in the game would be extremely extenuating for the sound team as they would require to keep 2 sounds engines constantly updated.

-“We know and understand that women voices are needed in the game!”

-The 9.14 new sound introduction was only the base/foundation, the team didn't had more space to add things which will be coming in the future.

-The Swedish vehicle proposal was looked upon and discussed and many tweaks will be needed until the implementation of this tech tree which has been placed into a “When its done its done”/ASAP state.
又有人提出了瑞典車的事情,大家又討論了一圈,也重新考慮了一下,但是發現想要做瑞典車就必須要對客戶端進行大量的調整,而現在瑞典車的進度還是“When its done its done”/啥時候做好了再說。

-Increasing number of maps in-game is not planned.

RG: Like it was stated before by Storm, its most likely that the map numbers in this game will diminish but that the quality of the existent ones will improve.

-More information about 9.15 will start coming out in April.

RG: I wrote earlier this year after the Cyprus trip that WG will be implementing each patch more spaced from one another and introducing less tech trees. Fix bugs and improve balance in the game is their motto for 2016. Hence (and taking now the chance to explain you) why things have been so slow compared to last year, its not me that is slowing down, its WG.
RG:我之前在去WG的賽普留斯開完會之後說WG會把每個補丁之間的間隔時間拉長,並且加入更少的科技樹數量。他們2016年的口號是修 ​​復Bug,繼續平衡。鑑於最近(順便藉這個機會解釋一下)好幾天才有一次消息的情況,我跟你們說,不是我的工作效率變低了,而是WG那邊刻意放緩了節奏。

-More mods (like the minimap features that came on 9.14) are planned to be introduced on the 9.15 patch.

-The team is trying to figure out ways to fight the illegal mod usage in the game.

-About game balance: “There will be changes but no target-dates to announce them”.

-About the bug where tracks get stuck in the collision walls of the buildings edges: “We are aware, we will fix, still gathering feedback”.

-Mod makers will receive information on the Old Wwise in the the next patch.

-With the recent Kazakh addition, so far WoT has been translated into 39 languages.


PFC. Martin: 為何瑞典線會影像這麼大?還有附圖你哪位(逃 (W3LV258. 16/03/27 19:06)
PFC. Martin: "影響" (W3LV258. 16/03/27 19:09)
無名氏: S戰車的液壓懸吊 (RFpwvAGg 16/03/27 22:26)
無名氏: 不做的話S戰車就廢了,做了遊戲裡有一堆車也得跟著改 (RFpwvAGg 16/03/27 22:27)
Lorraine. 40t將被替換 名稱: 無名氏 [16/03/27(日)15:14 ID:4rzCrVZE (Host: *.google.com)] No.36431 8推  
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just a little update the Lorraine 40 t is planned to be replaced by the Bat.-Châtillon 25 t AP , according to Russian sources.
根據毛子那邊的消息,洛林40t將會被巴洽25t AP所替換掉。


Between 1950 and 1951, the developers at the FAMH company (Compagnie des forges et Aciéries de la marine et d'Homécourt) ran a development program for a 25 ton medium tank armed with a 90mm gun in an oscillating turret. The development stopped in the pre-project stage and all advancements made ​​were used during the development of Batignolles-Chatillon 25t.
在1950~1951年期間,FAMH公司的研發人員(Compagnie des forges et Aciéries de la marine et d'Homécourt)開始了一項研發一輛25噸重並且需要在搖擺砲塔中裝配一桿90mm炮的項目。開發在計劃早期就被叫停,所有的工作進度都被用於開發巴洽25t了。


極速: 65 km/h / 20 km/h
車身裝甲: 30/25/20
砲塔裝甲: 25/25/20
血量: 1675
車身轉速: 44°/秒
砲塔轉速: 46 deg/s
彈夾容量: 6
射速: 長裝填24秒,短裝填2.22秒
瞄準時間: 3秒
百米散佈: 0.4 m
均穿: 200/250/45
均傷: 240/240/320
視野: 380 m

巴洽25t的資料我記得我貼過 就不再重複
無名氏: (*゚∀゚*)<那把40T重新放回8階,或是調整一下當金車也不賴 (IIi4kO5s 16/03/27 15:19)
無名氏: (´・ω・`)<BC AP的一個彈夾才1440傷要噴11.1秒,而且那AP穿深跟APCR穿深根本搞笑 (xlFPPfOo 16/03/27 17:46)
無名氏: (゚∀。)只開到13 75 ,但這穿深和砲控真的大丈夫? (eLQJNSRY 16/03/27 17:50)
wg大概會回: 法國風格,不爽不要玩 (3ti2b.qc 16/03/27 19:10)
無名氏: (゚д゚)。o0是我的錯覺還是WG最近的車火控都很爛? (MHUdAk1Y 16/03/28 08:28)
無名氏: 還不到慌張的時候 反正也沒說是白板還是最終砲 (lD/gm/GM 16/03/28 15:24)
無名氏: (;´д`)法國小裝填真的不改好嗎?現在一堆短裝填鬼神的車...口徑更大裝填更短 (UgwRFsCQ 16/03/29 17:56)
無名氏: (;´д`)還有...瞄準時間變長.穿深下降.傷害變低...這是 (UgwRFsCQ 16/03/29 17:57)
