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692 KB9.14的新金幣車:T25 Pilot NO.1 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/04(四)12:07 ID:r33mluHo (Host: *.google.com)] No.36144 4推 
>>無名氏: (;゚д゚)<再加上t-44/100 is-3(p) 到底還有多少複製金車啊 (VJ.Td136 16/02/03 11:00)

WG:你以為這樣就沒了嗎? 錯
T25 Pilot NO.1

This was a project of the artillery service of the U.S.Army, based on the T23 medium tank with 90mm gun and improved armor. Two prototypes were mad as well as 40 mass-produced T25E1 vehicles.
計畫作為US的砲兵部隊使用,以T23的底盤搭配90砲並強化了裝甲 ,兩輛原型車後來作為T25E1的計畫之一

Tier: 8 premium MT
Hitpoints: 1450
Engine: 500 hp
Weight: 37,335 tons
Power-to-weight: 13.39 hp/t
Maximum speed: 55/20 km/h
Hull traverse: 38 deg/s
Turret traverse: 39,6 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,863/1,055/1,822
Viewrange: 390
Radio range: 776,9
Hull armor: 76,2/50,8/? mm
Turret armor: 76,2/63,5/? mm

Gun: 90mm T7
Damage: 240/240/320
Penetration: 192/243/45
DPM: 1877,1
ROF: 7,821
Reload: 7,671
Accuracy: 0,345
Aimtime: 2,21s

無名氏: (゚3゚)<看來有機會看到WG再做一台裝T15E2的超潘 (hy2fMOyA 16/02/04 12:39)
無名氏: (;゚д゚)<T12.5的頭皮長回來了 (CU/VWJCg 16/02/04 13:16)
無名氏: T8MT的定位還是太尷尬了 T9後才有比較明顯的優劣 (.22pQOQY 16/02/04 14:02)
無名氏: (゚3゚)<不過WG曾說過,除了獎勵車外不會出超過T8的金車 (hy2fMOyA 16/02/04 15:07)
無標題 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/04(四)15:20 ID:hy2fMOyA (Host: 36-231-*.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)] No.36145   
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【Developer Q&A】2016/02/03 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/05(五)10:23 ID:hA2pSI/6 (Host: *.google.com)] No.36151 1推  
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have another Slava Q&A for you and first of all I'm glad to see you enjoying this content and that you like Slava , he is indeed a cool guy like I've read you commenting. This time I not only gathered questions from the comment section but also from emails and even reddit, do keep on sending them in.

For Russian blogs/pages who wrote this:

“Конкретных решений по улучшению балансировщика сейчас нет, но разработчики рассматривают разные дополнительные варианты, такие как балансировка по огневой мощности, хитпоинтам и да же скилу игрока в какой-то степени, но это все в планах.”
(The text above says that WG plans to balance tanks according to their firepower, hitpoints and player skill)

– Skill based balance will NEVER happen and Slava has never talked about hp/firepower based balance.

Again, don't be afraid of contacting me to clarify things, don't be thick headed please!

Here it is:

On the JP100 whine – they plan to nerf it!!111

-We don't, reducing alpha dmg is not always a nerf, T-34-85 at tier6 with 100mm gun was horrible, with 85mm it's the best medium.

Q: Is there a chance that we will see the M60A1 introduced into the tech tree for the USA , to help update it a bit to a current standard of other nations with vehicles from the 1960's (T-62A, Leopard 1, AMX-30B, ect.). As well as make the US tier 10 medium competitive with other nations.

-Not A1:)) smth else, I really want to improve US med line.

Q: Is there an option to get the MERDC pattern added for the USA vehicles, or an early variant of it like the MASSTER pattern (AKA 7th Army Camo), if not 1 MERDC pattern per environment.
譯註:所謂MERDC樣式(US Mobility Equipment Research & Design Command)(美國機動裝備研究與設計指揮部)是他們在70年代為美軍車輛開發的一種通用迷彩守則。包括每一輛坦克的通用迷彩樣式。迷彩一共有12中可選的顏色(但是每輛坦克最多只會同時擁有4種),而坦克的作戰地區和外界條件會決定到底是在什麼部位上塗上什麼樣的顏色。假如天氣有變或者是坦克要被派去其他地區作戰的話,只需要換掉幾個顏色就可以了。

MASSTER則是另一回事,MASSTER相當於美軍的測試人員,會測試各種各樣的材料以及想法。而MASSTER迷彩樣式也是他們測試對象之一。該迷彩樣式只包含四種顏色,分別是底色的30277(沙漠色), 30117(土紅色), 34127(綠色)以及37038(黑色)。然而34127 並不是美國塗裝用的標準色,但是其顏色與34151很像。

-No idea about that, TBH

How about taking away RNG from shell pen and damage? It would make this game competitively sound to a point and will be esports viable, as of now there is too much RNG for anyone to call themselves “professional players” of WoT.

-I'll look into that.

What happened to the other supertest tanks like the Steyr WT and the Rhm. Skorpion?

-We'll use them in 2016 at some point.

Personally, I don't get why everyone is chomping at the bit to nerf the T110E5. Why not keep the new machine gun turret as-is? It still has other weak spots to be exploited. From what I can gather, getting that armor buff now allows it to act as a real heavy on the battlefield.
無名氏: (゚∀゚)<M60A1掰! (yGmDaJSA 16/02/05 11:50)
【Developer Q&A】2016/02/03 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/05(五)10:26 ID:aZ.5skNU (Host: *.google.com)] No.36152 8推  
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-E5 will not be kept as it is, no chance to avoid nerf – it is simply the best heavy AND the best US T10 medium (it has more fire power and survivability than an M48A1 while comparable on mobility) defacto at the moment. That might be not the armor nerf tho, mobility nerf is another option, or some other option

Could you ask what will become of super high alpha tanks like jaegeroo, waffen and death star? I hope they get slightly nerfed in a way…
你能問下那些單發超高的車,比如百突啊,WT E-100啊,FV215b(183)都會怎麼樣嗎?我是很希望看到他們被稍微削弱一下的……

-JP100 will be fine, less alpha, more gun comfort, the tank concept is sound and I don't want to nerf it. WT100 will be replaced. 183mm guns will be reworked with new HESH.
百突沒問題,單發會降,炮控會提升。這個坦克的想法不錯,我不希望削弱它。WT E-100會被替換掉。新的HESH彈出來以後會重製183mm炮的。

ALSO chinese tds???? Type 89! HEHEHE (imo chinese tanks need a buff)
中國的TD呢?89式 哈哈哈 (還有就是我覺得中國車需要Buff一下)

-Yes, medium line and some of the HTs and LTs need help.

“The two answers regarding map rotation and corridors”

-We need to remove shitty maps, including low tier maps, Mittengard!

-We will change maps, starting with removal of corridor ones.

In my opinion, this wouldn't leave much maps untouched in the process.

-Yes, too many bad maps, I don't want to keep them.

Q: Wouldn't it be better to redo maps first, with all the new insights you have been given over the past year, instead of taking the blunt approach like mentioned in answer two?

-Takes too long compared to “by fire be purged”. Seriously, Stalingrad is soo bad it's easier and cheaper to make a new one.

“How about just decreasing the damage of prem. ammo by 50% .<snip>”

-No. Rebalancing prem ammo is okay tho. Things like 420 pen HEAT will have to go away.

Q's: Can Slava explain on this? It is a bit contradicting to read 'no' followed by 're-balancing prem ammo is okay'. What did he have in mind, what direction?
In which direction should we, us players, be thinking in regards to your vision on how this is could be rebalanced?Ó

-Reduction of dmg of premium ammo? I don't like the idea of ruining premium ammo, that's what these “let's nerf gold dmg by 30-50%” questions are – some people ask us to take away gold ammo one way or another . Gold ammo for silver is important part of game economy.

So the idea is that premium ammo is a better ammo. Does better always mean more penetration? No, it doesn't.

Options: 幾條路可以走:

More pen or more dmg or faster speed or more crits or…there are many options.

For example, Su100Y already has different gold ammo – more dmg one. For some tanks we can go that way, why not?

I want to suggest 2things

1.durring the European community contributer thing (Cyprus meeting), the question of testing tanks came out, but no one from wg or YouTube knew how to implement it. I came up with the idea of lending tanks. I want their opinion on this. I got alot of good feedback from players on the thread.

-Lending? Not sure what you mean. I know how to test tanks.
無名氏: 媽的又要砍圖?嫌圖不夠少啊? (qOz43suA 16/02/05 10:37)
(´・ω・`): 車會HD化那地圖會HD嗎? (FeL1scQw 16/02/05 10:56)
無名氏: (╬゚д゚)已經沒地圖了還要砍...以後要在哪個平行世界戰鬥 (LyfnjmJ2 16/02/05 12:09)
無名氏: 然後他到底對這些TD有什麼偏見 不然大家都均傷750好了 然後裝填一樣快 (LyfnjmJ2 16/02/05 12:13)
原串: 地圖的話是說絞肉圖會拿掉或修掉 再加入一些能讓所有車種都能發揮優勢的地圖 (ehqyFECo 16/02/05 13:17)
原串: 史達林這地圖真的有爛 TD、SPG、LT三大車種完全沒有優勢 中坦自己也很勉強 (ehqyFECo 16/02/05 13:19)
無名氏: (゚∀。)<為何中國不出TD線? 因為他們討厭台獨 (q5cdT1ZY 16/02/05 13:55)
無名氏: (´゚д゚`)<地方的玩家需要更多的地圖 (hkzS/Zk2 16/02/07 14:32)
【Developer Q&A】2016/02/03 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/05(五)10:27 ID:f4xAbNIA (Host: *.google.com)] No.36153 3推  
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We need a public test realm which is almost always on and we can test new tanks or features there, the way WoW does that.

2.splittng the conqueror into fv215b and the chieftain, same way the t-54 splits up.

-FV215b is a tank we had to invent back in the days, Chieftain is real.

How bad did the Chieftain armor have to be for them to hold off putting it in?
Just put it in. It's not like this will be the first time they put an underpowered tank in game… and they can always buff it.

-It's bad enough, T-54 or is-3 can pen turret with regular ammo, not just cupola. You simply cannot tank enemy shells in tier X with this tank. We have enough of glass cannon tanks in the game, why add another?

Wait, did they just say camo paint benefits smaller tanks more??? I thought it was flat based on class – HT 2%, MT and LT 3%, and TDs the highest. How does this actually work? What exactly does the comment mean?

-Percentage is relative value, that's how. So yes, let's say you have 100 camo with LT and 3% of said camo is 3. And you have 10 camo in Maus, same 3% is 0.3.

WG is planning to take away my female crew with crew redesign?!!111

-No, it's a mission reward, I like female crews

RG: For those who asked about the Sentinel, it will be premium


原本是當天就有的啦 只是短時間內發太多文怕會造成反感
無名氏: (〃∀〃)~♥好久沒在K島看到這麼快速的Q&A了 感謝原PO (E0clNvH. 16/02/05 12:39)
原串: 其實也只是在XVM中文網轉過來的而已 就看有沒有人要轉貼 (kLT.DQTI 16/02/05 13:16)
無名氏: (゚∀。)因為我懶得像爛泥似的 (Ycav0pZ2 16/02/05 18:41)
9.14超測服補丁信息(官方版) 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/06(六)20:18 ID:zwwMaDhI (Host: 36-234-*.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)] No.36167   
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I had the leaked 9.14 Supertest translation done but got to my knowledge that an official version was coming in a matter of hours so I waited.


Improved Vehicle Movement Physics and Improved Sounds

-The work on Improving the Vehicle Movement Physics and the Sounds has come to its final stage.

-In terms of the Super Test, there will be final tests conducted before the release of the Common Test of Version 9.14. You'll be able to find out more details about the changes on the portal a little later.

Vehicle draw distance and spotting range on minimap

-The minimap has been supplemented with circles to show the vehicle draw distance, the maximum spotting range and the player's current spotting range. The spotting range circle depends on many factors that affect the value of the vehicle's view range (set equipment like Coated Optics / Binocular Telescope, crew skills / perks, consumables, etc.).

-The opportunity to switch on/off draw distance display and spotting range circles has also been added to the settings.

Improved mechanics of activating First Aid Kit and Repair Kit

-Changed the logic of using Small Repair Kits and Small First Aid Kits. Now, if the consumable is used when there is just one damaged module/injured crew member, there will be no need to manually choose the module/crew member for repair/aid. The repair/treatment in that case will be done automatically.

Simplified vehicle module research for beginners

To simplify the process of familiarising new players to the game, the research system for Tiers I and II has been changed. Tier I Vehicles will have just one module available for research – a gun . Tier II vehicles will get the opportunity to research one module of each type (engine, gun, suspension, radio, turret).

Goal-setting Personal Missions (Manoeuvres) for Tiers IV-V

Beginners will receive special goal-setting personal missions, that are intended to introduce the game specifics of different vehicle types in World of Tanks.


T28 Prototype

-Added the opportunity to install Improved Ventilation Class 3.


-The shared qualification of the “Radio Operator” is moved from the Commander to the Loader

Waffenträger auf E 100:
WT E-100

-This vehicle is planned to be removed from the German tech tree, and the Grille 15 will be introduced as the replacement Tier X tank destroyer in the respective line. This will not happen with Update 9.14, however. The exact date will be announced at a later time.

Reworked 24 vehicles for HD quality:
24輛坦克被高清化了 詳情:http://fenrisulfr.org/wot/pixmicat.php?res=36065#q36105

-The Super Test will also feature a Polish tank and nation tab. There are plans to add Poland as a playable nation to the game. Currently, there are internal tests being conducted on the proposed tech tree and the respective vehicles. However, this content will not be implemented to the game with the upcoming update.

MAPS 地圖:

– New map for Rampage game mode: Paris

– Map improvements: Sacred Valley


Personal Reserve UI improvements
9.14超測服補丁信息(官方版) 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/06(六)20:20 ID:zwwMaDhI (Host: 36-234-*.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)] No.36168   
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-Personal Reserves are available in all modes, except for Battle Training, Tank Company Battles and Trainings

-Changes made ​​to the UI of Personal Reserves activation

Improvements to Rampage mode

-Improved the UI of Rampage mode

-Revised the battle loading window and teams lists that appear after pressing TAB

Clan profile

-Various UI improvements to the Clan Profile

源自:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2016/02/914-super-test-patch-notes-official.html >>No.36167
9.14 超測服車輛的官方數據 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/06(六)20:36 ID:zwwMaDhI (Host: 36-234-*.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)] No.36169 1推  
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these are the official statistics for the tanks announced on Supertest:

Grille 15 蟋蟀15
極速: 60 km/h,20 km/h
車身裝甲: 30/16/20
砲塔裝甲: 20/14/0
血量: 1800
車身轉速: ​​26°/秒
砲塔轉速: ​​22°/秒(90°/秒)
射速: 4
瞄準時間: 2,3秒
百米散佈: 0,27 m
均穿: 279/334/75
均傷: 750/750/950
視野: 400 m

Sentinel AC IV 哨兵巡洋坦克AC IV
極速: 60 km/h / 20 km/h
車身裝甲: 65/45/45
砲塔裝甲: 65/65/65
血量: 750
車身轉速: ​​40°/秒
砲塔轉速: ​​44°/秒
射速: 12
瞄準時間: 2,1 sec
百米散佈: 0,39 m
均穿: 171/239/38
均傷: 150/150/190
視野: 360 m
哨兵在Rita裡面沒找到 有資料的太太可以提供一下

Kirovets-1 基洛夫-1(又稱IS-3原型車)
極速: 42 km/h / 20 km/h
車身裝甲: 120/100/60
砲塔裝甲: 175/120/100
血量: 1550
車身轉速: 26°/秒
砲塔轉速: 24°/秒(之前宣布是25°/秒)
射速: 4,62
瞄準時間: 3,3 sec
百米散佈: 0,45 m
均穿: 221/270/61
均傷: 390/390/530
視野: 360 m
無名氏: (゚∀゚)哨兵 http://0rz.tw/KLAwp (MuNYf8gg 16/02/06 23:41)
9.14超測服車輛的官方數據 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/06(六)20:38 ID:zwwMaDhI (Host: 36-234-*.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)] No.36170 5推  
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leKpz M 41 90 mm
極速: 72 km/h / 24 km/h
車身裝甲: 25/25/19
砲塔裝甲: 25/25/25
血量: 900
車身轉速: 54°/秒
砲塔轉速: 50°/秒(之前宣佈為52.1°/秒)
射速: 8,3
瞄準時間: 2,3 sec
百米散佈: 0,4 m
均穿: 170/206/102
均傷: 240/240/320
視野: 400 m

T25 Pilot T25一號試驗車
極速: 55 km/h / 20 km/h
車身裝甲: 76/50/38
砲塔裝甲: 76/63/63
血量: 1450
車身轉速: 43°/秒(之前宣布是38°/秒)
砲塔轉速: 45°/秒(39.6°/秒)
射速: 7,69
瞄準時間: 2 sec(之前是2.21秒)
百米散佈: 0,36 m
均穿: 192/243/45
均傷: 240/240/320
視野: 390 m

Char de 25T 八洽25t AP
極速: 65 km/h / 20 km/h
車身裝甲: 30/25/20
砲塔裝甲: 25/25/20
血量: 1675
車身轉速: 44°/秒(42°/秒)
砲塔轉速: 46°/秒(48°/秒)
彈夾容量: 6
射速: 每個彈夾24秒, 短裝填2,22秒
瞄準時間: 3 sec
百米散佈: 0.4 m
均穿: 200/250/45
均傷: 240/240/320
視野: 380 m

源自:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2016/02/supertest-vehicles-official-stats.html >>No.36169
無名氏: 巴洽好像有點OP阿 (I4wKlnh. 16/02/06 22:55)
無名氏: (゚∀゚)原PO辛苦了 (MuNYf8gg 16/02/06 23:39)
無名氏: 海鰻識貨的嘛 (lX7jHwTk 16/02/07 13:10)
無名氏: (╬゚д゚)快把那台巴洽換去T9...把洛琳那個廢物換掉. 還有為什麼小裝填可以2.22?要求全法國彈夾一同修正 (0B13e35s 16/02/25 09:33)
無名氏: (゚3゚)<然後把洛琳從新放回8階改當金車吧 (uMDxJt1k 16/02/25 15:09)
【Storm Q&A】2016/02/06 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/07(日)20:19 ID:ynI.zFYE (Host: 36-232-*.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)] No.36171 1推  
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Storm came back from the living after the usuals over the Russian server spat enough fake crap:

– it's not true that WG completely scrapped Havoc

– there will be no servers without artillery

– T49 will not receive the gun-launched ATGMs
T49是不會有炮射ATGM(anti tank guide missile 導引反坦克飛彈)的

– it's theoretically possible that LT10 will be implemented, but not anytime soon, the developers haven't simply even get to this question yet

– it was not considered yet to reduce XP and silver to players who do not contribute to the fight

– current perk/skill overhaul is in development, but it is for now in very early stage, the developers are still considering the concept, developers are even considering active perks

– on one meeting with players, a random WG staffmember disclosed that from now on, the developers would be listening to players much more and that they even made ​​an entire department for this purpose. Storm states that this is a complete fabrication

– the same developer allegedly announced that +/-1 MM might be coming since the experience from Blitz with it was positive, Storm states that this too is made ​​up, there are no such plans, reduced MM spread is only theoretically possible on low tiers to make learning the game easier and even this was not discussed yet

– FV215b will definitely be replaced, the only question is “when”

– the same “developer” above allegedly stated that the last accuracy overhaul brought a large number of issues but it's simply not possible to perform a rollback, Storm states this is complete crap

– the XP for tanking topic was recently revised, it might be introduced

– Sixth Sense will be given to the radioman as announced a long time ago during the perk/skill overhaul

– the developers do not want to make perks the way they are made ​​in WoWs, but the entire perk status is still really vague

Apart from this… it became public that Storm is no longer working at Minsk, he's been transferred to the WG's Cyprus office.


通訊兵(in車內): 我好像感覺到了敵人... (TYFMyY.. 16/02/15 21:06)
【Storm Q&A】2016/02/06 名稱: 1080P◆fCxh.mI40k [16/02/07(日)21:09 ID:3olJFK0U (Host: 118-232-*.kbronet.com.tw)] No.36172 5推  
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Storm came back from the living after the usuals over the Russian server spat enough fake crap:

- it's not true that WG completely scrapped Havoc

- there will be no servers without artillery

- T49 will not receive the gun-launched ATGMs

- it's theoretically possible that LT10 will be implemented, but not anytime soon, the developers haven't simply even get to this question yet

- it was not considered yet to reduce XP and silver to players who do not contribute to the fight

- current perk/skill overhaul is in development, but it is for now in very early stage, the developers are still considering the concept, developers are even considering active perks

- on one meeting with players, a random WG staffmember disclosed that from now on, the developers would be listening to players much more and that they even made an entire department for this purpose. Storm states that this is a complete fabrication
在某次與玩家討論的會議上,某個WG員工透露: 從現在起,製作組將以玩家的意見完全做為遊戲的開發目標 - Storm表示這完全是假的

- the same developer allegedly announced that +/-1 MM might be coming since the experience from Blitz with it was positive, Storm states that this too is made up, there are no such plans, reduced MM spread is only theoretically possible on low tiers to make learning the game easier and even this was not discussed yet

- FV215b will definitely be replaced, the only question is "when"

- the same "developer" above allegedly stated that the last accuracy overhaul brought a large number of issues but it's simply not possible to perform a rollback, Storm states this is complete crap

- the XP for tanking topic was recently revived, it might be introduced

- Sixth Sense will be given to the radioman as announced a long time ago during the perk/skill overhaul

- the developers do not want to make perks the way they are made in WoWs, but the entire perk status is still really vague
無名氏: (゚∀゚)o彡゚兩位可以結婚啦! (tAMmakWQ 16/02/07 21:14)
無名氏: (*゚∀゚*)<結婚結婚!! (JYSZxCKY 16/02/07 21:27)
KV5車主: Σ(゚д゚)<第六感跟通訊員綁定...這樣KV5會永遠沒第六感的阿 (qG5eqFQ2 16/02/07 22:39)
原串: (゚∀。)つ那我就只好掏出來了 (ynI.zFYE 16/02/07 23:26)
無名氏: (〃∀〃)見證新人的時刻 (na5tMjIQ 16/02/08 01:09)
Studyanki(波蘭地圖)的細節 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/09(二)20:22 ID:i6c5BUXA (Host: *.google.com)] No.36180 4推  
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starting a bit late today, spent many hours travelling and arrived late at destination. There are some more details about the upcoming Polish map, Studyanki :

Left: Meant for MTs and SPGs (圖1)

-There is a terrain depression for SPGs on both ends;

-On middle, intricate terrain for MT fights.

Middle: Meant for LTs, MTs and TDs

-There is a hill on the center where LTs can rush and spot;

-Buildings and vegetation meant for TDs near base.

Right: Meant for HTs and TDs

-Same as usual, factory for HT vs HT dogfight;

-TD spots on each extreme;

Now… that's what WG wants to happen of the map, this is what I think it will happen:

紅色帶個點:轉場路線 (圖2)

-Overall this looks very much like Fishermans Bay but worse, pretty much every type of vehicle has the capability to perform its role but this is clearly a SPG's wet dream type of map.

-From SPG behaviour I dont see much of a difference, map makers even built them a nest where they can fire without being imediatly spotted by the MTs, also I dont expect LT's to go crazy and just to go get them, not with TDs ( and perhaps even HTs) on the middle and MTs that may be poking over the hill on the left.

-On the middle hill I dont see much of a difference than what happens in Fisherman's, altought I can see LTs attempting to rush left side for some early spotting I expect them to end up going back to the hill, committing to their role of driving in circles to spot whatever they may find there. Wouldnt be surprised to see a Bat.-Châtillon 25 t or 2 creeping up the hill as well.

-On the right, altough is a fine location for tanks with poor gun depression and long reload times I dont expect many of them to go there after the “new map hype” is over. Why? Both left corners designed for SPG have clear shots against each flank, Im anticipating to see the factory to eventually become a ghost town or a stale campfest, also the spots meant for TDs on each corner, not only they dont have clear shots against the enemies on the factory but are also extremely isolated. If sh** hits the fan they wont even be able to retreat safely because of the elevations that separate them from their base areas, most likely they will be camping near arty on the left where there is some vegetation and hiding/depression spots.
雖說右路這個地形很適合那些裝填時間長而且俯角很爛的車過去,但是我覺得在“新地圖的熱情”消失之後就不會有太多人過去 ​​了。因為左邊兩個給火砲設計的蹲坑點可以直接打到右路。我覺得右路到後面要么沒人去,要么就是比誰蹲的住了。還有就是在角落裡那兩個給TD準備的蹲坑點,雖說可以直接打到工廠區域,但是這破地方離其他地方也太遠了吧。等到血崩的時候TD都沒辦法安全的撤退,實在是太遠了。我覺得TD會跟火砲蹲在一起,那邊有幾個草叢還有幾個可以用來向下射擊的小坡。

Of course it's nearly impossible to make a perfect map but I would like map makers to realize they are not building stuff for a “bot” playerbase. I dont understand how they overlooked something so simple as the Factory/SPG issue.

What do you think? 各位怎麼看?


ConquerorGC: (ノ・ω・)ノㄏ反砲的抓那裏就對了w (6vh9tIQA 16/02/09 21:30)
1080P◆fCxh.mI40k: (╬゚д゚)o彡゚誰是你老婆(怒摔便當 (0lC/IVs2 16/02/09 21:49)
無名氏: (*゚∀゚*)<太太你就認了吧! (QDWZ57oY 16/02/09 23:04)
無名氏: (゚∀。)<看那令人齒頰留香的愛心便當~~ (.4UEjTMo 16/02/10 01:12)
【Slava Makarov Q&A】2016/02/09 名稱: 1080P◆fCxh.mI40k [16/02/10(三)01:38 ID:nUCzOtqU (Host: 118-232-*.kbronet.com.tw)] No.36181 9推  
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Slava Makarov one of the persons who invented World of Tanks has spoken recently (please do not mistake him with Slava Lyushnya, who's been kind enough to give us frequent Q&As since Storm burn out and lost his position at Minsk):

-Slava M. doesnt like the new modes.

-The premium tanks are not supose to be significantly worse than regular tanks, the most important thing is for them to not be better.

-When it comes to maps and corridors, its not always as easy as it seems, even open maps do seem too corridorish to players for the sole reason they can safely move only in a small part of them, because the rest of the map is being too open and they will get shot there.

-Matchmaker is being overhauled as we speak.

-The devs will try to make the vehicle class roles more specific.

-Slava M. now has the main task of assembling list of current WoT problems, this list doesnt contain only issues description but also solutions and is 72 pages long.

-Regarding the fact that new maps suck, Slava M. said they are trying to hire back one of the old map makers who's work was highly rated.

-Slava M. about World of Tanks "We really fu**ed up last year but is not irreparable".
Slava對於WOT: 去年真的搞砸了,但並非無法挽回

-Its difficult to make a full picture out of the quotes but is obvious that Slava M. is unhappy about Minsk producer's Anton Pankov work.

-Regarding the PVE mode, Slava says that there were critical technical issues that were solved only recently.

-Slava M. worked on Master of Orion, according to him the work is continuing and is cool.

-When it comes to the old whine that the engine of WoT is very old, Slava says that WG was working on a new engine for WoT for a couple of years now but there is currently no ETA of when the engine will appear in the game.

-Yuri P, published a picture of a SPG that has a 14round autloader, the RU players hope that such a thing wont be implemented.

-A lot of Russian players told Slava M. that they are happy he is back because he invented WoT while others completely broke it. Slava answered that they didnt broke it completely but it came very close (Example Rubicon patch)
很多俄服玩家告訴Slava,當其他人在搞爛WOT的時候,而他回來繼續開發。Slava回答: 他們並沒有完全搞爛,但也非常接近了(嚕鼻孔Patch)

-Replaying to the questions about where the SPG hate comes from, Slava said "That's because it really is killing all the hidden players like it was intended but the problem is that is pointless to come out of hiding because is killing everyone else and that was not intended"

-Slava will attempt to introduce rank mode to WoT.

-Slava likes E-Sports.

無名氏: (・_ゝ・)先叫MM把伏特加戒了再說 (sbfvaBjU 16/02/10 10:44)
無名氏: (゚3゚)火炮那段翻錯了,他是說火炮是用來幹掉那些躲起來的傢伙,這是WG想要的; (b/CaV9jY 16/02/10 13:37)
無名氏: (゚3゚)可是從掩體跑出來也是沒意義的,因為這單純是換作被其他人幹掉,而這不是WG想要的 (b/CaV9jY 16/02/10 13:40)
1080P◆fCxh.mI40k: (´・ω・`)<果然翻錯了... (nUCzOtqU 16/02/10 13:41)
無名氏: (゚∀。)<道歉就要... (BfHnewkA 16/02/10 14:14)
無名氏: (*゚∀゚*)<人妻的胸部!! (9mz6DMhY 16/02/10 19:39)
貓車長◆anL1.Had8w: |д゚)<關於PVE模式,嚴重的技術問題正在解決......妳去年也是這爛梗,這次還用!? (p0eTm2N. 16/02/17 23:21)
無名氏: 貓車長 那應該是說那個技術問題已經開始有進展了 (/A0NyDfE 16/02/19 09:29)
無名氏: ∀゚)ノ不能比銀幣車好?那把那些T10獎勵車砍一砍再說 (qrzIQMJU 16/02/22 18:10)
【Developer Q&A】2016/02/15 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/16(二)09:23 ID:iuvWLwrc (Host: *.google.com)] No.36206 3推  
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there is another Q&A out there which is not official and to be honest its half arsely done, however, there are a few truth parts, I filtered/compiled and Ivan translated them for you:

– Regarding the low tier tanks and the fact some modules were removed from them (in some cases stock ones, in some cases top ones), this is intentional and has been approved for a while in order to make the life for new players easier by removing unnecessary elements from early on in the game.

– 9.14 is delayed and will come when its problems are fixed

– The main task for the new motion physics is now to make the motion itself correct. A revision of the damage caused by tanks driving on top of each other will come later

– WT E-100 will not be switched for its replacement any time soon, certainly not in 9.14 (RG: It will be ASAP)
WT E-100近期是不會被替換掉的,至少不是在9.14中。(RG:但是也很快了)

– The idea being personal missions is good but Slava Makarov thinks they didn't implement it properly in order for it to be popular
個人任務這個想法是好的,但是Slava Makarov認為他們在實裝的時候沒弄好,導致現在個人任務人氣不高

– Storm denies the statement that there will never be skill MM in WoT
Storm否認了WOT中永遠不會有水平分房的這種說法 [轉發:說實在根本沒必要,猴子永遠只會抱怨MM如何搞他永遠不會想到他自己是如何把優勢搞掉]

無名氏: ∀゚)ノ物理行為正常?我甚麼時候才能看到碰碰車的時候坦克會變形 (0PfW2gbU 16/02/16 14:08)
原串: 那個應該不可能 屍體變形還要額外再建模 客戶端可能會暴增到50G (iuvWLwrc 16/02/16 14:13)
無名氏: 當你看到一團TOG廢鐵扭再一起 (j562xO5w 16/02/18 16:35)
無標題 名稱: 無名氏 [16/02/19(五)14:28 ID:eudjprwM (Host: 106-104-*.seed.net.tw)] No.36223 2推  
無名氏: www.facebook.com/Rita-Gamer-428264223910106/ (jR7iPQ9M 16/02/19 16:44)
無名氏: 被惡意檢舉,就這樣 (De5YL7U. 16/02/19 17:05)
